Saturday, March 6, 2010

with love...always

And you can always call me when you are having a bad day, when the world is unfair to you, whenever you get scared or whenever you get angry or jealous…or just sad..
When there are reasons and when there aren’t..
When you figure out something new or when you can’t figure out a single thing..
You can always call me anytime in the night when you can’t sleep..
You can always call me when your heart breaks..when you lose something you can never find again..
You can always call me when you win something or something lost finds its way back to you
You can always call me when you get yet another crush..and finally when love takes your breath away..
You can always tell me about something divine you tasted…
You can always call me about the weight you lose or gain..
You can always show me the brand new stuff..tell me how well you bargained…
You can always call me after you cry over a movie or a book and tell me why you cried..
You can always call me when you get drunk..or high..
You can always call me you crash your car or lose your keys or your wallet..
You can always call me when you feel alone at home or if your feeling lonely at a party..
You can always call me when you make mistakes and blunders,
You can always call me to confess or to deny..
You can call me when you don’t want to or can’t call your family..
You can always call me and tell me about your dreams and your worst nightmares..
You can call me and ask me the stupid questions whose answers everyone’s assumed to know
You can call me and discuss the weirdest things in life, the things they never discuss
You can call me when all you want to do is talk to somebody
You can call me when all you want to do is hear my voice and talk about nothing
You can call me and tell me your story that no one is willing to hear
You can call me to tell the unheard reason..unheard truth
You can come to me when you want to run away from everything…
When all you need is a hug..
When all you need is someone to celebrate with..
When all you need is to do is to have a good cry or a good laugh..
You can call can come to me…I just hope you know that..and just in case I never told you before.. I just told you now…
(for aditi,jims,agosh,depu,gurpreet and angel di)

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