Saturday, April 16, 2011

Picture Talking 2

And there are hundreds of pictures and they keep growing.Some better and some worse.
But these are the ones I love for reasons unknown.
(click on the picture if you want a better view)

  Deepika on the Peengh
       Location:Rock Garden,Chandigarh(March'2011)

   Dancing Couple.
          Location:Forest of Padhai,Shimla (April'2010)
               The left one is the female and the right one is the male.

   Home ground.
      Location:My home,Shimla(April'2010)
                The family hates my shoes.Ma has told me she's going to throw them in
                   the dumpster if I don't stop wearing them.Pa has offered me to please le
him wash them.I wonder why they hate them so much.

                                                                   Sleeping under the tree.
                                                     Location:Under a tree,Shimla(April'2010)
                                           "You win enough battles, you think you can do anything.
                                          Lose enough and you start to wonder if you should even try."


Blasphemous Aesthete said...

Home ground is good ground. =)
I read you because I want to. Someday I won't. Some other day I will, you just don't stop. :)

Blasphemous Aesthete

Hopelessly Flawed said...

i'll try and do that :)