what you say and the way you say it
the things you write
the pictures you use
the music you involve
the way you make them see things and make them believe and hope
the illusions you create and sell
and what you call your art
should come with a warning.
the things you write
the pictures you use
the music you involve
the way you make them see things and make them believe and hope
the illusions you create and sell
and what you call your art
should come with a warning.
Don't trip over words, they create fine illusions and feed the need of the brain to chew on. Hurl them back, instead, with more power.
Warnings, terms and conditions are seldom written on advertisements and bill boards are they, advice is to read the offer document carefully before investing :P
I think that was way off the mark, maybe I get close the next time. :P
Blasphemous Aesthete
"hurling words back with power"...something i am yet to learn.
I don't believe warnings affect choices...they just give you a feel that your choices more conscious...another illusion.
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