Wednesday, February 13, 2013

To the weirdos!

We are everywhere.
Burdened with intelligence,cursed with constant unrest.Thriving in the maelstrom of confusion.
Absorbing ourselves everyday,loading ourselves with what we discover about ourselves.This is the way we are,we constantly create and destroy ourselves.No, we don't resolve anything,we don't feel better,we are just getting denser,that is why we are so intensely nostalgic about our past lives.

Impatient and burning fingers, we are unbelieving.We don't verify,challenge or discover truths.We choose the illusions we want to play with,by the whims and fancies of our mood and only we know we play with fire.No, it not heroic, we burn ourselves every day.

Observant, we pick up how you want to see us, and we play pretend sometimes just to amuse ourselves and sometimes for the sake of your sanity,but we leave glimpses of our real selves like clues(we know you would never find) sometimes just for fun and sometimes hoping that someone from one of us will discover us.No we don't despise you, we envy you.We are the only ones who can see how crushingly beautiful you are and the comfort of mind you enjoy.We envy you because you can let yourself be loved so simply and you can be  happy.No, we are not happy, we only seldom smile.

Alone, we eventually stop complaining of the loneliness. It is an anomaly if anyone of us can truly sustain the feeling that he or she is not alone.For most of us it becomes painfully unbearable and we end up hating ourselves for involving you and making you bear our personal incompetence.But sometimes a few of you inspire us to transcend our nature,a few of you distract us and make us focus on you and your sake. It is only in those sometimes that we slow down and have a drink of joy.
But we can seldom sustain this pace, we are instinctively made to hunt for our own kind and when we do,we devour them.In between the sheets of paper and bed,we gorge on the soul of our own kind. Ravenously we consume our own kind and that is why our survival solely depends on you.No, what seem the most passionate tales of love to you, are in fact the annihilation of our kind.

You fondly call us the dark and the twisted.We provide case studies for your psychological and social theories.Ever obliging  you with odd behaviors, helping you define and discover symptoms of psychological and social disorders.You the normal, the ordered, the sane, the happy,the reality.We the inexplicable,  disillusioned, convoluted, despicably cynical, contagiously miserable yet can-be-so funny.
No, we are not you and you are not us, but you are the placebo that holds us off the impending enticing drug that will devour us one more time, so don't be afraid, we are not an exotic kind.,we have been here and we will be here for a long time.
We are everywhere.


Blasphemous Aesthete said...

Read between the lines, what's fu*ked up and everything's all right,
check my vital signs and know I'm still alive and I walk alone

So long as there are people who turn their agony to literature, there will always be people who'd read them, and weep helplessly, knowing that they too lost had someone at some juncture.



Blasphemous Aesthete

Hopelessly Flawed said...

The views expressed are highly personal for I am yet to see two people of the "crazy kind" to last fr a while or quietly disassociate from each other without damaging each other....and yet our mind gravitates to their minds.

P.S:Greenday(bachchpan ka pyaar)...wake me up when this stupid feb 14 wala month ends :-P

Blasphemous Aesthete said...

haha, it will!