Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I no longer wish to find myself for I have realized there is nothing to find. All that there was, nothing remains of it today.
Along the way some I bartered, some they stole and some I threw away.
 I feel loss. And I have accepted sadness as the part of the new me.
But there is this looming void.
In this void, I want to create.
A better Me


Blasphemous Aesthete said...

Turn the Page

On the other side of this book, do write with golden ink. :)

Blasphemous Aesthete

Vinay Leo R. said...

Beauitiful,.. Very inspiring ending..!

Hopelessly Flawed said...


eB.. said...

Few words. But the right ones.

brokenpenwriter said...

Incredible artwork/photography, and a truly inspiring poem. Just as the sand cuts through the grass, your poem exposes your truth (some I bartered, Some they stole, some I threw away)in a clean line and gets straight to the important point - I want to create. Beautiful!

planet cyberluz said...

Thanks for your visit (Tigerbrite's Blog). I have enjoyed your poems and it's a great sentiment to want to be better me.

Aporia said...

Today we wear ourselves down, so tomorrow we can build a new world. Today we break and shatter and crumble into dust, because without it, there is no tomorrow. I loved this more than I can say.

Hopelessly Flawed said...

thank you everybody for your visit and your kind comments.

Beauty and the BEast said...

they say to realise.. is the first step.. most of us are stuck right there...

Sh@s said...

Deep philosophy.