Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Lucky You

If someone just said, “ I miss you./I love you./I need you.” ,to you.

If someone has been checking their phone every 5 minutes to see whether you’ve called or texted.

If someone prays for you, before praying for themselves

If someone can’t stop thinking about you whenever they look at something beautiful or when they taste something delicious.

If every song they hear reminds them of you.

If someone is waiting for you, even though they don’t need to wait.

If someone spared something for you even though they needed it more than you.

If without keeping you in the picture, they can’t take any decisions of their life, they can’t even dream a dream.

how lucky you are…
but you have no idea how much luckier they are…
I am so sorry to tell you, its not so much about you…its mostly about them...they are the really lucky ones.